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Halloween Trivia

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Teepeeing" a house is a trick/prank children play where they cover a house in _______?
Toilet Paper!
What are Reese's Cups made of?
Chocolate and peanut butter
I am half-man, half-wolf. I only come out when the moon is full. What am I?
I am a werewolf.
On Halloween the children dress up. What do they wear?
The children wear costumes
What is this place? Would you trick or treat here?
It's a haunted house
What kind of animal brings bad luck at Halloween?
A black cat
I do not have a body, only bones. What am I?
I am a Skeleton
The children say this when they ask for candy or sweets
Trick or Treat
My entire body is wrapped in bandages. What do they call me?
I am a mummy
I have eight legs. What am I?
I am a spider
I am a small animal that flies. I sleep upside down during the day. I eat insects. What am I?
It's a bat
What do witches use to fly?
Witches use a broomstick to fly
I wear a tall, pointy hat. I have warts on my nose. I make potions in my cauldron. Who am I?
I am a witch
Is he scared or scary?
He is scary
Is she scared or scary?
She is scared
What are these carved pumpkins called?
I am orange. I have a brown or green stem. I am filled with seeds.
I'm a pumpkin