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Academic Vocab 10/17
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which TWO adjectives describe the drink? ORANGE EMPTY FIZZY BROWN
fizzy brown
Which THREE adjectives describe the ball? ROUND HOT SOCCER FLAT SQUARE
round hot soccer
Which two adjectives describe the sheep? FLUFFY FOUR SPIKY BROWN
fluffy, four
Which two adjectives describe the girl? EXCITED BORED BLONDE ANGRY
bored, blonde
Which two adjectives describe the trash can? CLEAN FRESH GRAY SMELLY
gray smelly
Which two adjectives describe the bear? HAPPY CONFUSED BROWN SMALL
happy, brown
True or false: You summarize FICTION using who what where when why
True or false: You summarize NONFICTION using who, what, where, when, why
True or false: You summarize FICTION using somebody wanted but so then?
True or false: When you summarize you make a text LONGER
Can anyone help me find my big blue BLANKET? What are TWO adjectives?
big blue
The weird WOMAN has a creepy SMILE. What are two adjectives?
weird, creepy
The WEATHER is cold and rainy today. What are TWO adjectives?
cold rainy
The new CAR is very shiny. What are TWO adjectives?
new shiny
My DOG is very cool. What's the adjective?
A group of lines in a poem
A poem with no rules
free verse
A poem with 3 lines
To give only important details
A word that describes a noun