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Measurement conversion

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Convert into larger unit: 3500mg = ....kg
3500 mg (:1000 000) = 0.0035kg
Convert into larger unit: 235cm = ....km
235cm (:100 000) = 0.00235km
Convert into larger unit: 350m = ...km
350m (:1000) = 0.35km
Convert into larger unit: 200 kg = ..... t
200 kg (:1000) = 0.2t
Convert into larger unit: 5ml = .....l
5ml (:1000) = 0.005l
Convert into smaller units: 1l = .... cl = .... ml
1l = 100cl = 1000 ml
Convert into smaller unit: 1t = ......kg = ......g =.... mg
1t = 1000kg = 1000 000g = 1000 000 000mg
Convert into smaller unit: 1km = ..........m = ........ cm = .......mm
1km = 1000m = 100 000cm = 1 000 000mm
Which units are used to measure "capacity or volume"?
litre, mililitre, grams
Which units are use to measure "mass"?
tons, kilograms, grams, miligrams
Which units are used to measure "length"?
kilometre, metre, centimetre, milimetre