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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A. When is ___ meeting? B. They've changed ____ date. It's ___ next Tuesday now.
the, the, no article
A. Have you ever had ___ problem in your relationship? B. Yes, but we got over ____ problem, and we got married ___ last year.
a, the, no article
A. Is your mom ___ housewife? B. No, she's ___ teacher. She's always tired when she gets home from ___ work.
a, a, no article
A. Do you like ___ dogs? B. Not really. I prefer ___ cats. I think they're ___ best pets.
no article, no article, the
A. What should we do ____ next weekend? B. Let's invite some friends for ___ lunch. We could eat outside in ___ yard.
no article, no article, the
A. What's ___ most interesting place to visit in your town? B. Probably ___ museum. It's ___ building in town.
the, the, the
A. What ___ beautiful dress! B. Thanks! I bought it on ___ sale ____ last month.
a, no article, no article
A. What time does ___ train leave? B. In ten minutes. Can you give me ___ ride to ___ station?
the, a, the
A. How often do you go to ___ gym? B. About three times ___ week.
the, a
I think _____ is more important than _____. (happiness, success)
happiness, success
I got to ______ late every day _________. (school, last week)
school, last week
In general, I like ____, but I don't like ______ that live next door to me. (dogs, dogs)
dogs, the dogs
I'm not sure if I closed ____ before I left ____ this morning. (windows, home)
the windows, home
My boyfriend is __________. I think he's ____ in the world. (chef, best cook)
a chef, the best cook
I'm having _____ with some friends _____. ( dinner, next Friday)
dinner, next Friday
We go to _______ about ________. (theater, once ... month)
the theater, once a month
My wife likes ________, but I prefer ______. (love stories, war movies)
love stories, war movies
What _______! We'll have to have our picnic in _____. (horrible day, car)
a horrible day, the car
Jess is _______ in a hospital. ________ is far from her house. (nurse - hospital)
a nurse / the hospital
I love _________ . (weddings)