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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does it mean if you see a spider on Halloween?
people believe that it means that the ghost of a loved one is looking over you so you will have good luck
How do you bob for apples?
Your hands are tied behind your back and you have to try and grab the floating apples with your teeth.
What vegetables did the Irish carve faces into before the pumpkin?
Potatoes and Turnips
What is a superstition?
a belief that certain events or things will bring good or bad luck.
What flowers are popular to use on the altars during the Día de los Muertos?
Where does the name Halloween come from?
All Hallows Evening/ Alholowmesse
What two other Roman festivals did Samhain combine with under Roman rule?
Pomona and Feralia
What does it mean if you hear a banshee scream?
It is a warning that either you are someone in your family is about to die.
What fraction of American candy sold every year is sold on Halloween?
1/4 (A quarter)
What was the original name of the Celtic festival that is now known as Halloween?
Who created all Saints day in 1000AD?
The Catholic Church
What object do you put in Barmbrack?
A ring
What are the names of the two Irish Halloween figures in the presentation?
The Banshee and the Púca
What is the Halloween celebration in Mexico called?
The day of the dead
Where did Halloween originate?
What do people carve on halloween?