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Korean Language Class: "- ㄹ/을 것 같다"

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Answer the question following the given picture and word using the target grammar. "오늘 준이랑 어디 갈 것 같아요?" (영화관)
영화관에 갈 것 같아요.
Answer the question. "미래를 알 수 있다면 어떨 것 같아요?"
Use -ㄹ/을 것 같아요.
Answer the question. "이번 주말에 뭐 할 것 같아요?"
Use -ㄹ/을 것 같아요.
Answer the question. "이 음식 어떨 것 같아요?"
맛있을/맛없을 것 같아요.
Using "-ㄹ 것 같아요", make a sentence. (verb/adjective should end with ______)
any sentence with a verb/adjective ending with a vowel using ㄹ 것 같아요!
Using "-을 것 같아요", make a sentence. (verb/adjective should end with ______)
any sentence with a verb/adjective ending with a consonant using 을 것 같아요!
Answer the question following the picture. "우리 어디 앞에서 만날까요?"
역 앞에서 만나요.
Answer this question. "다음 주에 한국어 수업 언제인가요?"
목요일 한 시예요.
Complete the sentence using the target grammar. "점심을 안 먹어서 이따 ___________(배가 고프다)."
점심을 안 먹어서 이따 배가 고플 것 같아요.
Answer the question following the given picture and word using the target grammar. "이번 주말에 시간 있어요?" (바쁘다))
아니요. 바쁠 것 같아요.
Answer the question following the given picture and word using the target grammar. "오늘 날씨 어때요?" (비가 오다)
비가 올 것 같아요.