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Past Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We always shake hands with our boss. (last Monday)
We shook hands with our boss last Monday.
He steals my money regularly. (yesterday evening)
He stole my money yesterday evening.
I'm very busy today. (yesterday)
I was very busy yesterday.
Tom cooks breakfast every morning. (yesterday morning)
Tom cooked breakfast yesterday morning.
There are too many people on the street. (last Sunday)
There were too many people on the street last Sunday.
Mary and Sally don't like broccoli. (when they were younger)
Mary and Sally didn't like broccoli. when they were younger.
He works as an engineer. (in 1997)
He worked as an engineer in 1997.
Sally buys new clothes from time to time. (last week)
Sally bought new clothes last week.
The soup is so tasty. (yesterday)
The soup was so tasty yesterday.
It isn't a very interesting game for me. (in childhood)
It wasn't a very interesting game for me in childhood.
My dad watches TV every evening. (yesterday evening)
My dad watched TV yesterday evening.
His wife doesn't like chocolate. (when she was younger)
His wife didn't like chocolate when she was younger.
She studies new words every day. (yesterday)
She studied new words yesterday.
He looks very stylish. (at the party yesterday)
He looked very stylish at the party yesterday.
She isn't tired because she is on vacation in Italy. (last summer)
She wasn't tired because she was on vacation in Italy last summer.
He writes emails every day at work. (3 days ago)
He wrote emails at work 3 days ago.
His phone is too expensive. (in 2012)
His phone was too expensive in 2012.
My brother brings flowers to my mother every Sunday and she is extremely happy. (last Sunday)
My brother brought flowers to my mother last Sunday and she was extremely happy.
He breaks his phone once in a while. (2 months ago)
He broke his phone 2 months ago
My friend drops in for a cup of coffee every weekend. (last weekend)
My friend dropped in for a cup of coffee last weekend.