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History 6: Athens vs Sparta

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does PHILOSOPHY mean?
It means the "LOVE of WISDOM".
What's the most famous building from Ancient Athens?
It's the PARTHENON on the Acropolis.
What does POLYTHEISM mean?
It means the belief in MANY GODS.
What is a GOLDEN AGE?
It's a civilization's PEAK (highest/best point in history).
Who was PERICLES? Tell us TWO things about him.
Athenian politician+general, built Parthenon on Acropolis, made Delian League powerful empire, said only IDIOTS don't participate in government.
What is LIMITED democracy?
It's when ONLY free MEN can vote. (Not women, children, or slaves.)
What is DIRECT democracy?
The citizens vote DIRECTLY (themselves) on each issue, instead of ELECTING representatives to do it for them (like we do today).
Name TWO THINGS that were NOT allowed in Ancient Sparta.
Trade, travel, political parties, class mobility, etc.
What was the FOCUS/EMPHASIS of social life in Ancient Sparta?
Military training.
What is a TOTALITARIAN society?
No personal freedom, strict obedience to the state, centralized control of the state, opposing cultural and political expressions suppressed.
What was an Ancient Greek city state called? Name one English word we get from it.
It was called a POLIS. (plural: POLEIS) Police, policy, politics, politician, etc.