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Global English 7 - Unit 3.1 - My style

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the idiom; 'shop until you drop' mean?
To do a large amount of shopping until you are exhausted.​
Complete the sentence. I love wearing my purple knee-______ shorts.
Complete the sentence. T-shirts are either short or long _______.
Complete the sentence. The tie is hung around my shirt ______.
Complete the sentence. My shirt has six _______. I usually leave the top one undone.
Complete the sentence. The wizard put up their _____ so you could only see their eyes.
Complete the sentence for you. I never wear... because...
Complete the sentence for you. My friends like wearing...
Complete the sentence for you. I don't like wearing...
Complete the sentence for you. At weekends I often wear...
Complete the sentence for you. Today I'm wearing....
Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb. I'm not really interested in clothes. When I get dressed I ____ ___ the first thing I find.
put on
Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb. If you're hot, ____ ___ your jacket.
take off
Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb. I don't need to ____ ___ this jacket. I know it's my size.
try on
Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb. Please ____ ______ your clothes tidily in your cupboard.
put away
Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb. You look cold. Why don't you ____ ___ your sweatshirt?
put on
Complete the phrasal verb with the correct preposition. When you take your clothes ___ at the end of the day, do you put them ______ carefully?
off (take off) - away (put away)
Complete the phrasal verb with the correct preposition. Do you always put your clothes ___ in the same order?
on (put on)
Complete the phrasal verb with the correct preposition. Do you like dressing ___ for special occasions?
up (dress up)
Complete the phrasal verb with the correct preposition. Do you always try clothes ___ before you buy them?
on (try on)
Complete the phrasal verb with the correct preposition. Do you ever pay ____ your own clothes?
for (pay for)
Which adjective means, interested in the latest fashions and in wearing fashionable clothes?
Which adjective means: popular at a particular time?
What is a part of a coat or jacket that covers your head and neck?
a hood
What is the part of a shirt or jacket that goes round your neck?
What is a small round piece of plastic or metal that is sewn on to a piece of clothing, either for decoration or to hold something together?
a button
What is the adjective which means: long or tall enough to reach your knees?
Which part of clothing is the piece that covers some or all of the arm?
Which piece of clothing are made from denim material and designed by a fashion designer?
designer jeans
Which piece of clothing is a warm pair of soft trousers that you wear for sports practice?
tracksuit bottoms
Which piece of clothing is a cotton shirt with a collar, a few buttons at the neck, and short sleeves?
polo shirt
What is a sweatshirt with a hood?
What are the shoestrings that tighten the shoe on your foot?
laces / shoelaces