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בּראשׁית Trivia

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What consequence did Hashem give to אדם and חוה for eating from the tree?
They had to leave the beautiful גן עדן
What kind of animal told חוה that it was okay not to listen to Hashem and that her and אדם could take fruit from the עץ הדעת (Tree Of Knowledge)
A נחשׁ: snake.
True or False: Hashem told אדם and חוה that they could eat from any tree or bush in גן עדן except for one called the עץ הדעת (Tree of Knowledge)
What were the names of the very first human beings that were created? (This was on יום שׁישׁי: Day Number Six)
אדם and חוה (Adam and Chava)
True or False: On יום חמישׁי Day Number Five Hashem created people and matzah.
FALSE. Hashem created ציפּורים (birds) and דגים (fish)
Can you name two things that Hashem created on יום רביעי: Day Number Four?
שׁמשׁ ירח כּוכבים (sun, moon, stars)
What did Hashem create on יום שׁלישׁי: Day Number Three?
Trees, flowers, grass. (growing things)
True or False: On יום שׁני Day Number Two, Hashem created the sky and water.
What did Hashem create on יום ראשׁון?
יום ולילה : day and night
What is the name of both the very first פּרשׁה and ספר? (Hint: it's the same!)