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Digital Citizenship Grade 2!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why was "Mario's Secret Adventure" a game we played in CS class?
Because is appropriate for kids and anyone in grades 2+ can code with it!
What should you NOT DO if you see something online that makes you uncomfortable?
Ignore it!
Why should you stick to kid friendly sites and apps?
Kid friendly apps are appropriate/safe for children.
Do you think you can be a GREAT DIGITAL CITIZEN?
If you happen to come across a website that gives you a funny feeling in your belly, who should you tell?
How should you behave when you play/chat with friends online?
You should use kind words, think before you post, be nice and never bully anyone!
This picture helps to show that to be a good digital citizen you should always
Stick to apps and sites that you know and are safe/appropriate for kids!
This picture shows that one way to be a good digital citizen is to...
Delete friend requests from strangers!
What was one thing you learned from the Digital Citizens?
Why shouldn't you share your username and password with other people?
Because someone can log in as you and pretend to be you AND Because if someone logs in as you, they can steal your private information.
Why is it a good idea to set a time limit when using technology?
So you don’t miss out on other activities that are important to you OR So you don’t feel bad (tired, sad, icky) because of spending too much time with tech.
Why is it important to ask for permission before going online?
because our parents should know when, why and how we are using the internet.
What is a Digital Citizen?
Someone who uses technology safely and responsibly