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TV, films and computer games

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm really interested _____ trying new things.
I'm good _____ telling stories.
I'm mad _____ technology.
I'm a big fan _____ fantasy novel.
I'm really _____ the activities here.
I'm very keen _____ reading.
Two children who were born at the same time to the same mother.
A part of a town.
Nervous about speaking to people.
Send data from your computer to the internet.
A small machine for playing video games.
People who regularly read someone's social media.
A programme with singers and musicians.
a music programme
A funny programme that makes you laugh.
a comedy programme
A programme showing real events.
a documentary
A programme about visiting other countries or places.
a travel show
A film with singing and dancing.
a musical
A programme about football, basketball, golf, tennis etc.
sports programme
A game in which players pretend to be imaginary characters.
role-playing game
A televsion competition for singers, musicians etc.
talent show
A game in which you have to think carefully and make decisions.
strategy game
A film which makes you feel afraid.
horror film
A film about love.
romantic film
A fast-moving and exciting film.
action film
A TV programme about cooking.
cookery programme
A TV programme that tells a story in parts.
drama series
A book or film with an exciting story.
A film or TV programme using animation.
A film about a person with special powers.
superhero movie
A film in a future world.
science fiction