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Fetal Development

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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During these weeks the mother may feel fluttering in her lower abdomen. This is called quickening when the mom can feel the baby's first movements
Weeks 19 and 21
During which week will the baby's gastrointestinal tract start to form?
Week 5
During which weeks will the eyes and ears begin to form?
Weeks 6 and 7
During which weeks do the arm and leg buds begin to grow?
Weeks 6 and 7
During which week can the baby's toes be seen?
Week 9
During which weeks are the muscles and bones fully developed?
Weeks 35 and 37
Between which weeks will the baby's eyelids begin to open and close?
Weeks 27 and 30
Between which weeks will the baby begin to store fat?
Weeks 23 and 25
During which week will the eyelashes and eyebrows appear?
Week 22
Between what weeks will the baby begin to move and stretch inside the womb?
Weeks 15 and 18
At what week will the baby's brain, spinal cord and heart begin to develop?
Week 5
During the end of which week is an egg released from the ovary?
Second week
What is the name of the fine hair that develops on a baby during pregnancy, but mostly disappears by the time the baby is born with the exception of some still remaining on the upper arms and shoulders?
A baby’s bones are fully developed (but still soft) between week____and week____
Week 31 and Week 34
At what point do the footprints and fingerprints begin to form?
Week 26
When can the baby’s heartbeat be heard with a stethoscope?
Week 22
Between what weeks of pregnancy can a baby begin to hear?
Weeks 19 and 21
At the end of which week of pregnancy is the baby no longer considered to be an embryo?
Week 10
What takes place during the embryonic period of development?
This is when all the baby's major systems and structures develop (Week 5)
A normal gestation period lasts anywhere between ____ weeks to ____weeks
37 and 42