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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you get if you mix yellow and red?
What holiday is orange and in October?
What season of the year is very orange?
Autumn / fall!
What is he wearing?
He is wearing an orange T-shirt! (and blue jeans)
What is orange and you can drink it?
What is this?
An orange coat / raincoat / jacket!
What are these?
Orange socks!
This ball is always orange and very bouncy
A basketball!
Name at least 4 orange animals!
A tiger, a fox, a squirrel, an orangutan, a fish, a butterfly, a giraffe, a cat
This animal lives in Asia. It can roar and it has got orange and black stripes
It's a tiger!
What is orange and very very hot?
The fire!
What is orange here?
The bats!
What is orange here?
The snake / the worm!
What is this orange vegetable?
It's a pumpkin!
What is this orange vegetable?
It's a carrot!
What is this orange fruit?
It's a peach!
Name at least 2 orange vegetables!
A carrot, a pepper, a pumpkin, a sweet potato, a tomato
Name at least 3 orange fruits!
A mango, a nectarine, a peach, a tangerine, an apricot
What is this orange fruit?
It's a mango!
Name this fruit
It's an orange!
What is this?
An orange leaf!
What is orange here?
The woman's hair!
What is orange here?
The flowers!
This is a big orange monkey. What is it called?
An orangutan!
This animal lives in the trees, it can jump and it loves nuts
A squirrel!
This orange animal lives in the forest, it has got a fluffy tail
A fox!
This animal has got a long neck. It is orange and brown
A giraffe!