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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We are on holidays now. _____ hotel is nice
We are on holidays now. Our hotel is nice
one hundred and sixty seven
_____ you happy? Yes I _____
Are you happy? Yes, I am
........ it cold today? am/ is / are
Is it cold today?
My students _______ ugly (am/ is / are ) "negative"
My students are not/ are ugly
My sister ........ a famous singer (am / is/ are)
My sister is a famous singer
I ____ a top model (am is are)
I am a top model
He is Bart. ______ skateboard is yellow
He is Bart. His skateboard is yellow
She is Rihanna. _____ song is "Umbrella"
She is Rihanna. Her song is "Umbrella"
I am a teacher. ____ name is Vicky
I am a teacher. My name is Vicky
........ are Brazilians (I , you, he , she , it, we, you , they)
They are Briazilians
Maluma and Bad Bunny are singers. _______ are regaetton composers
Maluma and Bad Bunny are singers. They are regaetton composers
Piké is from Barcelona. ____ is Spanish.
Piqué is from Barcelona. He is Spanish
Shakira is Colombian. ______ is from Colombia
Shakira is Colombian. She is from Colombia