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How do I get to the...?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm at the CHURCH. How do I get to the HOSPITAL?
Go straight and stop. / Cross the road.
I'm at the PARK. How do I get to the HOSPITAL?
Go straight and stop. / Cross the road.
I'm at the PHARMACY. How do I get to the MALL?
Go straight and stop. / Cross the road.
I'm at the THEATRE. How do I get to the MALL?
Go straight and stop. / Cross the road.
I'm at the BANK. How do I get to the SCHOOL?
I'm at the POST OFFICE. How do I get to the BUS STOP?
Turn right. Go straight. Turn left and stop.
I'm at the HOSPITAL. How do I get to the PHARMACY?
Turn left. Go straight. Turn right. Keep going. Turn leftand stop.
I'm at the HOSPITAL. How do I get to the THEATRE?
Turn right. Go straight. Turn left. Keep going. Turn right and stop.
I'm at the SHOP. How do I get to the BANK?
Turn right. Go straight ahead. Turn right and stop.
I'm at the HOTEL. How do I get to the PHARMACY?
Turn left. Go straight ahead. Turn right and stop.
I'm at the STADIUM. How do I get to the SHOP?
Turn left. Go straight. Turn right. Keep going. Turn left and stop.
I'm at the SCHOOL. How do I get to the LIBRARY?
Turn left. Go straight ahead. Turn right and stop.
I'm at the LIBRARY. How do I get to the PHARMACY?
Turn left, Go straight. Turn right. Keep going. Turn left and stop.
I'm at the BUS STATION. How do I get to the PARK?
Turn right. Go straight. Turn right. Keep going. Turn left and stop.
I'm at the CINEMA. How do I get to the MALL?
Turn left. Go straight. Turn right an stop.
I'm at the MALL. How do I get to the BANK?
Turn right. Go straight. Keep going. Turn right and stop.
I'm at the MUSEUM. How do I get to the THEATRE?
Turn left. Go straight ahead, Keep going. Turn right and stop.
I'm at the SCHOOL. How do I get to the BUS STOP?
Go straight ahead. Keep going and stop.