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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When the big bad wolf has the house fall on him at the end of the the story, this is an example of...
A. A solution (So) B. The end of the story (Then) C. A character (Somebody)
When Cinderella loses her shoe at the ball, this is an example of...
a. A person (somebody) b. A problem (but) c. A solution (so)
Elsa is an example of ...
a. A person (somebody) b. A problem (but) C. A solution (so)
In a story, THEN means...
a. how the story started b. how the story ended c. I don't know
In a story, SO means...
a. what the character wanted b. how the character solved the problem c. how the story ended
In a story, BUT means...
a. the solution to the problem b. the problem c. the cookies
In a story, WANTED means....
a. what the character hoped would happen b.the character's name c. nachos
In a story, SOMEBODY stands for the...
a.setting b. character c. problem