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Summer Camp Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jamarian had 9 boxes of candy with 5 candies in each box. How many candies in all?
I am a square with 7cm sides, what's my perimeter?
What customary unit of measurement would you use to tell how much this dog weighs?
Let's play your favorite song!
Bonus 5 pts
What 3-d shape does the picture represent?
Rectangular prism
This shape has 6 sides.
Let's play your favorite song!
Bonus 5 pts
I have 65 notebooks. I buy 90 more at the store to add to my collection. What is the total number of notebooks in my collection?
A four sided figure is called a __________
Percy has 56 toy cars. He is going to share with 7 friends. How many cars do each get?
Which unit does not measure capacity? A. Fluid ounce b. pint c. cup d. pound
d. pound
If there are 36 kids in third grade and 27 in the 2nd grade. How many more kids are in the third grade?
36 ÷ 6
Let's play your favorite song!
Bonus 5 pts
This shape has 4 right angles and 4 sides that are the same length.
The better estimate for a spoon would be 15ml or 15L?
How do you find perimeter?
Add up all of the sides to find the distance around
What is the area of Erin's lawn?
J 72 square meters
Let's play your favorite song!
Bonus 5 pts
True or False: You find the area of a rectangle by adding all of the sides together.
The best estimate of the capacity of a bottle cap would be 3ml or 3 L?