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Flyers question 1
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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people make things like cars or televisions here. (a theater - a museum - a factory - a history)
a factory
one of these brings a lot of wind and rain. (a storm - a cloud - a bridge - a theater)
a storm
when it snows, children make one of these and throw it. (a snowball - a snowman - snow - a sledge)
a snowball
It is difficult to see when there is a lot of this. (cloud - fog - rainbow - sky)
You go to this place if you want to see a dinosaur. ( a hotel - a museum - a factory - a storm)
a museum
If you are ill, you go to hospital in one of these. ( a sledge - an ambulance - a bridge - a suitcase)
an ambulance
You can have a room in this place when you are on holiday. ( a museum - a tent - a circus - a hotel)
a hotel
People can ride on this when there is a lot of snow. ( a snowball - gloves - fog - a sledge)
a sledge
You go to this place if you want to see tigers and clowns. ( a factory - a circus - a theater - a museum)
a circus
You can carry food and warm clothes in this when you go climbing. (a suitcase - a rucksack - a snowball - a tent)
a rucksack
You can cross a river or a road on one of these. (a tent - a bridge - a sledge - an umbrella)
a bridge
you can buy this every day and read about things which have happened. (a dictionary, a newspaper, a magazine, a book)
a newspaper
We put a letter or a card in this before we post it (a book, a post card, a newspaper, an envelope)
an envelope
You can study here after you leave school. ( a dictionary, a university, a magazine, a school)
a university
You use this to cut bread, cheese, and meat. ( a spoon, a knife, a fork, a card)
a knife
When you are on holiday, you send this to your friends. (a card - a postcard - an envelope - a book)
a postcard
We need one of these to eat soup or fruit salad. (a spoon - a knife - scissors - forks)
a spoon
If you like drawing and painting, you should study this subject. (history - PE - music - art)
if you can't spell a word, you can use this to help you ( a postcard - a dictionary - a newspaper - a book)
a dictionary
When you study this subject you learn about islands and jungles ( a dictionary - history - maths - geography)
You use these to cut paper - ( a knife - a fork - scissors - spoons)
You send this to a friend at Christmas
a card