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What's Your Thoughts on Substance Use?
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List four effects of long-term alcohol abuse on the body.
Addiction, Brain Cells permanently damaged (affecting memory/judgement), Cancers, Depression
Explain what controlled drugs are.
Drugs only available with doctor's prescription
Give four examples of drug abuse on the individual.
Addiction (uncontrollable desire), Dependence (depends on the drug to make them feel good), AIDS (sharing needles), Death (overdose, suicide, accidental death)
What do you understand drug abuse to mean?
Damages some person's life
What are two effects on society from alcohol abuse?
What is meant by addiction?
Uncontrollable craving for a drug
Suggest two ways the government should try to control smoking
What is meant by passive smoking?
A non-smoker inhales smoke from a nearby smoker
What is one harmful substance found in cigarettes? (Do you know how that effects the body?)
nicotine (addiction), tar (clings to lungs), smoke (lessen oxygen in blood), irritants (cough)
Why do some young people smoke?