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Columbus or Cabot

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I called the first island I landed on San Salvador in the Caribbean Islands.
Christopher Columbus
I thought I landed in India, but I landed in the Caribbean Islands.
Christopher Columbus
My crew was arguing so much that I had to turn my ship around!
John Cabot
I had 3 ships on my first voyage: The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria.
Christopher Columbus
I sailed toward North America 5 years after Christohper Columbus.
John Cabot
My exploration allowed regular people from Europe to become immigrants to America.
Christopher Columbus
I was sponsored by the King and Queen of Spain
Christopher Columbus
I wanted to find a quicker way to Asia by sailing across the Atlantic.
Both Cabot and Columbus
I explored for England even though I was born in Italy.
John Cabot
I explored for Spain even though I was born in Italy.
Christopher Columbus
I was born in Italy.
Both Columbus and Cabot
I was born in 1450, one year before Christopher Columbus.
John Cabot
I was born in 1451, one year after John Cabot.