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Is this spelt correctly: bravly
No - bravely
Which one is a proper noun: girl, boy, Texas
Which one is a verb: bike, car, Sarah
Which is a noun: cat, run, stand
Is this spelt correctly: schul
No - school
Which one of these means a boy: mail or male
Is this spelt correctly: cutest
Is this spelt correctly: shamful
No - shameful
Is this spelt correctly: spitting
What would you add to make this present tense: mop
an extra "p" and "-ing"
Is this spelt correctly: taping
No - tapping
Is this spelt correctly: widley
No - widely
What would you add to make this past tense: complete
"ed" - Completed
Is this spelt correctly: reptiles
Finish the word: oliv
E - Olive
Is this spelt correctly: captiv
No - captive