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Constantinople Study Game

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a patriarch?
the bishop of an important city in the Eastern Orthodox Church
In Byzantium, who had power over the patriarch?
The emperor
Justinian was able to reclaim lost territory in what three countries?
North Africa, Italy, Spain
Constantinople was easy to defend because....
It was surrounded by water on three sides
Who did Pope Leo III choose to be Holy Roman Emperor?
Constantinople was originally called..
What is iconoclasm?
The destruction of religious icons.
What was the favorite sport of the Byzantine people?
Chariot races
During what years did Justinian rule Byzantium?
527 - 565
People who could not find work in Constantinople were able to sweep or weed gardens in exchange for what?
Why did Byzantine Emperor Leo III create the iconoclasm policy?
He thought people were worshiping pictures over God.
Justinian created a body of laws called...
Justinians Code
Constantinople traded many goods such as....
Ivory, Silk, Furs, and Perfumes
Western cities relied on _______, and were much less wealthy.
Eastern cities had ______, which brought them great wealth.
What was the church in eastern Roman empire of Byzantium Called?
Eastern Orthodox Church
What language did western europeans speak?
What language did the Byzantines speak?
After the riots of 532, who rebuilt Constantinople?
What religion united the east and western parts of the Rome for centuries?
Who was Constantinople named after?