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10th Grade GR

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of rock is schist ?
What type of rock is slate?
What type of convergent plate boundary is Sierra Madre?
What type of convergent plate boundary is the Alps?
What type of plate boundary is San Andreas Fault?
What type of convergent plate boundary is Mariana trench?
What type of convergent plate boundary is the western coast of Chile?
What type of plate boundary is mid-atlantic ridge?
What type of convergent plate boundary is Aleutian island
What type of convergent plate boundary is Himalayas
What type of plate boundary is Appalachian?
It refers to the long, narrow depressions on the seafloor
oceanic trench
It refers to a lowland region that forms where Earth's tectonic plates move apart
rift valley
What do you call an underground mountain range formation on the sea floor?
oceanic ridge
What type of rock is produced when an original rock is subjected to very high heat and pressure?
metamorphic rocks
Give at least 10 essential things that should be in an emergency kit.
Flashlight, extra batteries, radio, local maps, food, water, whistle, dust mask, garbage bags, can opener, survival kit, first aid kit, toiletries, phone
Give three examples of secondary hazards
tsunami, landslide, fire
It is a direct hazard that can cause secondary hazards.
It is the main cause of destruction during an earthquake.
What type of wave generates an up-and-down and ocean wave-like movement?
rayleigh wave
What is the full name of British physicist who first mathematically demonstrated the existence of rayleigh wave?
Lord Rayleigh
What type of wave generates a snake-like movement?
love wave
What is the full name of British seismologist that British seismologist who first predicted the existence of love waves?
Augustus Edward Hough Love
What type of wave can travel through solid materials only?
secondary wave
What type of wave that is also known as “compressional wave”
primary wave
Type of wave that can travel through solid and fluid materials
primary wave
What are the two forms of surface waves
love and rayleigh
What are the two forms of body waves?
primary and secondary
What is the difference between body and surface waves?
Body waves can travel through the Earth's inner layers, while surface waves occur on the surface of the lithosphere.
What are the two types of seismic waves?
body and surface
Why is it important to determine the epicenter of an earthquake?
To assess the damage zone so that authorities can rush the support and plan disaster relief accordingly.
The recording of the ground shaking at the specific location of the instrument
The internal part of the seismograph, which may be a pendulum or a mass mounted on a spring
It is the instrument used to record the motion of the ground during an earthquake
Waves generated by earthquakes that travel through and along Earth’s surface
seismic waves
A fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock
It refers to the point directly above the focus on Earth’s surface
It is the origin at which the earthquake occurs
focus / hypocenter
It is called as the sudden movement or shaking of the ground.
Why do earthquakes occur?
Earthquakes occur due to the interaction of tectonic plates. Their movement generates huge amount of energy that make the ground shake.
Why is Earth’s interior hot?
Heat slowly accumulates from the radioactive decay of uranium, thorium and other radioactive isotopes in Earth’s interior.
If miners will dig into the Earth in search for precious rocks and minerals, in which layer would be their deepest possible exploration?
crust (5 - 100 km thick)
Does the oceanic crust sink beneath the continental crust at the subduction zone? Why or why not?
Yes, because oceanic crust has a greater density.
What type of rocks make up the continental crust?
Layer of the earth that is made up of hard, solid rock with soil.
Type of scientific research that aims to create new information that can improve the quality of material.
research and development
Type of scientific research that applies basic research toward more practical endeavors, such as solving everyday problems.
applied research
Type of scientific research that is also called "pure research"
basic research
Give the 3 main types of scientific research based on where it is conducted.
laboratory research , library research, and field research
Give the 3 main types of scientific research
basic, applied, research & development
Explain the process of rock cycle
weathering and erosion > transportation > deposition > compaction and cementation > metamorphism > rock melting
What type of rock is marble?
What type of rock is limestone?
What type of rock is granite?
What refers to the formation and growth of crystalline solids from molten rocks?
In which type of igneous rock do big crystals form?
intrusive igneous rock
In which type of igneous rock do small crystals form?
extrusive igneous rock
State the difference between magma and lava
Magma is a molten rock that is underground while lava is a molten rock that breaks through the Earth's surface.
These are natural substances composed of solid crystals of different minerals that have been fused together into a solid lump.
What do you call the solid inorganic substances of natural occurrence that form rocks?