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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where did Ms. Pulzone go last weekend?
How does Jeri feel that Omar got an interview?
How does Nimo feel about getting chosen to resettle to Canada?
How old is Ms. Pulzone?
Who is Omar's brother?
Name one difference between your school and Omar's school
anyone can go to school, we have school supplies, we have buses, etc.
Name one of Ms. Pulzone's cats
Bear and Suki
True or false: The book is based on a true story.
What does "multi-" mean?
more than one
What is a guardian?
someone who takes care of you
What does it mean to ration?
to portion your food over time
What does Omar do when he can't sleep?
goes outside to look at the stars
What is the UN?
United Nations, a group that represents all countries
Why doesn't Maryam go to school anymore?
she was forced to get married
What is "the list"?
it is a list of names of people who get to interview to resettle
What is the title of the book?
When Stars Are Scattered
What is a refugee?
someone who escapes their country because of war, natural disaster, or other danger
The setting of the book is in...
Kenya (refugee camp)
Where are Omar and Hassan from?
Who takes care of Omar and Hassan?