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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This are my tips
These are my tips
Smoking is an habit for your body
Smoking is a habit for your body
I hope these can help making your battle more easy.
I hope these can help make your battle easier
The last two advices are...
The last two pieces of advice are...
Smoke cigarettes is very bad for the health
Smoking cigarettes is very bad for your health
One day you will rid of cigarettes.
One day you will get rid of cigarrettes
You should modificate your lifestyle
You should modify your lifestyle
I recommend you to write the day you stop smoking
I recommend that you write down the day you stop smoking
You know, I was worried about your problem since a lot of time
I have been worried about your problem for a long time
They are foreigns
They are foreigners
I go (to the gym) every day except weekends because it's close
..because it's closed
The begin of the summer
The beginning of the summer
One of the most funny summers in my life
One of the funniest summers in my life/ one of the most fun summers in my life
Next week we have the first exam and we have just started, so imagine the stressful I am
...imagine how stressed I am...
I'd like to work as sanitary
I'd like to be a health worker
I have started a new master
I have started a new master's
In other hand
On the other hand
What's about you?
What about you?