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Phrasal verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They tried to rob my money, but I managed to ______ __________
get away
He always _________ _________ secrets because he loves to gossip
gives away
I _________ __________ the house as fast as I could because it was raining
went in
We had planned a surprise party for my mum, but my little sister _______ it _________ by accident
gave away
I'm going to the muscle gym at the beach later to _______ _________
work out
I have a big a problem. Could you help me to _________ it ________?
work out
I'm going to _________ ___________ for my school basketball team this week
try out
I've never done that before but I'd like to __________ it ____________
try out
Watching a movie in 3D really _________ ___________ to experience
adds to
Watching that documentary on baby cows has really _________ me ___________ eating meat
put off
Make a relevant sentence using this phrasal verb: MISS OUT
For ex: I missed out on going to the party because I had Covid
When something starts to become well known or popular:
Take off
To transmit a message or a feeling:
get across
To donate something that you don't want or need yourself
Give away
Say a relevant sentence using: GIVE UP
For ex: I gave up playing the piano when I was 13