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6a_present perfect in use_ since/ for

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We ............ .................... in this house .............. 15 years.
We have lived in this house for 15 years.
She ...................... .................... their teacher ............. 2022.
She has been their teacher since 2022.
They .............. ................... German ............. 3 years.
They have learnt German for 3 years.
I ................. this bike ............ May.
I have had this bike since May.
I don't hear a lot from Sandra. ( last October)
I haven't heard from Sandra since last October.
I ought to see a doctor. I am sick. (a week)
I have been sick for a week.
She plays in the volleyball team. ( two months)
She has played in the volleyball team for two months.
Joanne and I are good friends. ( primary school)
Joanne and I have been good friends since primary school.
They are in the youth club. ( 3 hours)
They have been in the youth club for 3 hours.
Rebecca doesn't live in Italy now. (3 years)
Rebecca hasn't lived in Italy for 3 years.