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Canada Quiz 1

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What's a stereotype about Canada?
[answers will vary] Live in igloos, are polite, have pet polar bears
What is the name of the basketball team in Canada?
Toronto Raptors
Canada is famous for having more than one million what?
What is Janine studying?
Name a country bigger (in size) than Canada.
Who is Canada's President?
Canada doesn't have a president! We have a prime minister.
What is the RCMP?
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police - national police
Name a Canadian singer
Justin Bieber, Celine Dion, Nickleback, Drake, The Weekend
What's the name of this hat?
A toque
What is a Canadian tuxedo?
Wearing all denim (jeans with a jean jacket)
How do you make poutine?
Fries with cheese and gravy
Name a Canadian invention
[answers will vary]
Name a country, other than Spain and Canada, Janine has lived in
France, Egypt, Croatia, UK, Denmark, Israel, Kenya, Thailand....
Where was Janine born?
Where does Janine live in Canada?
What is the most popular sport in Canada?
Ice hockey
What is the name of this popular Canadian sport?
What is this famous Canadian dish?
Who is this famous Canadian?
Keanu Reeves
What is the only province with a majority of French speakers?
How many provinces does Canada have?
What is the name of this animal?
What is the largest city in Canada?
What colour is the Canadian flag?
Red and white
What is the capital of Canada?