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Name 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 4 foods.
Spaghetti, pizza, lasagna, rice and beans, etc.
Name 4 things you see at school.
Whiteboard, pencil case, friends, erasers, etc.
Name 4 things that are red.
apples, tomatoes, roses, strawberries, etc.
Name 4 things you do in the morning.
brush the teeth, wake up, go to school, eat breakfast, etc.
Name 4 things you see at a birthday party.
cake, balloons, candies, brigadeiro, etc.
Say 4 things teacher Jair says.
"How are you?", "Hello!", "see you!", "let's go!", etc.
Name 4 means of transport.
Car, train, plane, bike, etc.
Name 4 jobs.
Teacher, doctor, engineer, policeman, etc.
Name 4 animals you see at the farm.
Pigs, chickens, cows, dogs, etc.
Name 4 things you like.
Cakes, sleeping, TV, books, etc.
Name 4 clothes.
Hat, shirt, trousers, socks, etc.
Name 4 family members.
Brother, sister, mom, dad, etc.
Name 4 things in the picture.
Mirror, bed, plant, chair, candles, etc.
Name 4 toys
Ball, kite, robot, tractor, doll, etc.
Name 4 vegetables.
Broccoli, corn, onion, lettuce, etc.
Name 4 things that would be difficult to take in the car.
An airplane, a house, a horse, an elephant, etc.
Name 4 things that shine at night.
Lamp, fireflies, stars, jellyfish, etc.
Name 4 things in the picture
TV, window, sofa, picture, curtain, etc.
Name 4 animals that bite
Snakes, dogs, cats, hamsters, etc.
Name 4 things we open at least once a day.
wardrobe, mouth, eyes, fridge, etc.
Name 4 animals without legs
Snakes, sharks, seahorses, worms, etc.