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Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does this image represent? What's its importance in the story?
Red bananas. They were delicious and they were left by Kensuke for Michael and Stella.
What does this image represent? Can you describe feelings he experimented during the story?
Kensuke. He was angry at Michael at first. Then they became friends when they could understand each other's thoughts and feelings.
What does this image represent? What's its importance in the story?
This is Stella Artois, Michael's dog. She was his companion and confort in difficult times.
What does this image represent? Say everything you know about this.
Map of the island. Mention Kensuke's island vs Michael's portion, etc
What does this image show?
Michael is standing on Watch Hill, the place that Michael found, from where he could see all the island. 
What does this image represent? What's its importance in the story?
It's the junk (type of Japanese ship) that arrived on the island with the poachers (illegal hunters)
What does this image represent? What's its importance in the story?
A coke bottle. Michael wrote a message and put it inside. Kensuke found it and was really offended and angry at Michael.
What does this image represent? What's their importance in the story?
They're orang utans. They were Kensuke's family on the island.
What does this image represent? What's its importance in the story?
It's the fire that Michael wanted to build. It was a beacon to call the ships' atttention
What does this image represent? What's its importance in the story?
They're jellyfish. They stang Michael while he was swimming and he was paralysed. After that Kensuke cured and looked after him in his cave
What does this image represent?
It's the letter that Michael's parents received. It said that they were fired from the brick factory.
What does this image represent?
It's the ship's log. Michael had to keep a record of everything he saw and all the places they visited.
What does this image represent?
The Peggy Sue (speak about it)
What does this image represent?
It's a cave. Michael found it and took refuge there when he was stranded on the island
What does this image represent?
It's the raw fish that Kensuke left for Michael to eat every day.
What does this image represent? What's it importance in the story?
The nuclear bomb that was dropped in Nagasaki. It had probably killed Kensuke's family.
What does this image represent?
Kensuke used to be a doctor on a ship in World War 2. That's how he escaped the bombing in Nagasaki
What's the role of this object in the story?
Eddie's gift. It kept Michael afloat. It reminded him of home. I was used to have fun on the island