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Visitors_being polite

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say that you want to have some coffee, without milk and with 2 spoons of sugar.
Can I have a coffe, please? Black, 2 sugars. / I would love some coffee. Black and 2 spoons of sugar, please.
Ask for parking opportunites.
Sorry, Is there any parking spot for guests? / I wanted to ask about parking arrangements. Where could I leave my car?
Tell the receptionist you were supposed to meet Mr. Davies.
I'm looking for Mr. Davies, where can I find him? / I have a meeting arranged with Mr. Davis. Can you tell him I'm here and will be waiting in the lobby?
Ask your guest if they want to "clean" after the trip.
Would you like to freshen up a little after the journey?
Suggest your guest a tour around the office.
Let me show you around.
Welcome your guest.
Welcome to ABC. / Welcome to our facilities. Nice to finally meet you in person.
Tell your guest the way to the meeting room. It's on the 2nd floor on the left.
So the meeting room is on the 2nd floor. You'll need to take the elevator. The room is right on the left.
Refuse to get help with your coat because you want to keep it.
No, thank you. There's no need. I'll hang on to it.
Ask your guest about their hometown?
So, you're from Michigan? How is it?
Offer to help your guest with their luggage or coat.
Let me help you with that.
Ask your guests about the trip.
How was your trip? / How was the journey?
Ask for something to drink.
Excuse me, can I get some water ? / Excuse me, may I have a coffee, please?
You're in the lobby. Ask where the restroom is.
Sorry, could you show me the way to the restroom?
Invite your customer to dinner after the meeting.
How about we go to lunch after the meeting? / I would like to invite you to lunch after the meeting.
Phone the restaurant. Reserve a table
Hello. I would like to make a reservation for 2.