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Passive sentences with verbs that have 2 objects

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I asked the question to David (start with 'the question').
The question was asked to David (by me).
I asked the question to David (start with 'David').
David was asked the question (by me).
Sophia sold the car to a doctor (start with 'the car').
The car was sold to a doctor (by Sophia).
Sophia sold the car to a doctor (start with 'a doctor').
A doctor was sold the car (by Sophia).
Lucy threw the ball to the child (start with 'the ball').
The ball was thrown to the child (by Lucy)
Lucy threw the ball to the child (start with 'the child').
The child was thrown the ball (by Lucy).
I sent the email to John (start with 'the email').
The email was sent to John (by me).
I sent the email to John (start with 'John').
John was sent the email (by me).
Julie taught the grammar to the students (start with 'the grammar').
The grammar was taught to the students (by Julie)
Julie taught the grammar to the students (start with 'the students').
The students were taught the grammar (by Julie)
The boss showed the new computer to Anna (start with 'the new computer').
The new computer was shown to Anna (by the boss).
The boss showed the new computer to Anna (start with 'Anna').
Anna was shown the new computer (by the boss).
They offered the job to Simon (start with 'the job').
The job was offered to Simon (by them)
They offered the job to Simon (start with 'Simon').
Simon was offered the job (by them).
Fiona told the truth to Julian (start with 'the truth').
The truth was told to Julian (by Fiona)
Fiona told the truth to Julian (start with 'Julian').
Julian was told the truth (by Fiona)
I lent a pencil to Graham (start with 'a pencil').
A pencil was lent to Graham (by me)
I lent a pencil to Graham (start with 'Graham').
Graham was lent a pencil (by me)
John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill (start with 'a bar of chocolate').
A bar of chocolate was given to Jill (by John)
John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill (start with 'Jill').
Jill was given a bar of chocolate (by John).