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ML M03 Role of a CCR Review

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Sharing knowledge and resources and providing outstanding customer service are 2 ways CCRs __________?
support their team and the ESS project
show their knowledge of the work instruction
assist medical providers and help callers
show off for their supervisor
It is prohibited to access case information for any party you are famliar with, including your own case information.
CCRs are not responsible for the security of client data. It is the client's responsibility.
ES Call Centers provide services in the client's preferred language by:
All of the above
hiring bilingual CCRs
utilizing third party resources through tthe Language line for interpreters
utilizing third party resources for hearing impaired callers
CCR Responsibilities include all the following except:
Make determinations for applications and renewals
Solve customer issues
Provide case status
Remain courteous and professional
Where are the ES Call Centers located?
All of the above
San Antonio