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ML M23 Appointments Review

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If a caller identifies themself as an employee of the South Texas Food Bank you should _______
<b>Warm transfer them to the Flexible Appointment line.</b>
Refer them to the local office and instruct them to bring a picture ID.
Give the caller not verified script.
Warm transfer them to the Supervisor line.
Out-stationed, Home Visit, Hearing Impaired, and CBO interviews cannot be transferred to the Flexible Appointment
What status can the appointment field contain?
Canceled, No Show, Scheduled, Show
Canceled, No Show, Scheduled, Pending
Flexible Appt line, Home visot, out-stationed
Appealled, Approved, Denied, Sanctioned
If the case comments indicate that a "desk review" was performed on the case then no appointment will be conducted.
What is the latest a client can call the Flexible Appointment line?
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
None of the above