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Diggory Bones KB6 Unit 6

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What were their instruments made of?
They were made of wood and shells.
In what months can you see the snake on the stairs?
In March and September.
What did the Mayas do before their ball game?
They had music with instruments made of wood and shells.
What’s Kukulcan’s temple called?
It’s called ‘The Castle’.
Are Kukulcan and Quetzalcoatl the same?
Yes, they are.
What will take Iyam to a cave of gold?
A corn symbol will take him to a cave of gold.
What do you think Iyam can hear at the end?
The pyramid sounds like a Quetzal bird singing.
What sounds like a bird singing when the gods are angry?
The pyramid sounds like a Quetzal bird singing.
What happens twice a year?
Twice a year, you can see the form of a snake on the north stairs.
Which is the most important temple?
The Castle
Where are they going to go?
Somewhere nearer the sea.
What kind of game did the Mayas play?
A ball game.
How long will it take to get there?
Two days.
Where are they going?
Kukulcan’s pyramid at Chichen Itza.