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Edgar Allan Poe

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How did Poe die?
It's a mystery.
Roderick Usher and Madeline Usher represent...
Edgar and Virginia Poe
Lenore represents...
Virginia Poe
Anabel Lee represents...
Virginia Poe
What happens to the House of Usher?
It falls.
How did Roderick die?
The ghost of Madeline attacked him.
How did Madeline die?
She was put in a tomb alive.
Roderick and Madeline Usher are...
twins, siblings, lovers
Why does the narrator go to the House of Usher?
Roderick sent him a letter requesting a visit.
How did Anabel Lee die?
She got sick.
What is a sepulcher?
a tomb
Who was jealous in Anabel Lee?
The angels
Who is Anabel Lee?
The narrator's wife
Why is the narrator in The Raven losing his sanity?
His wife died
The raven symbolizes the narrator's
Who is the wife in The Raven?
What is the narrator of The Raven doing when the poem starts?
What is the only thing that the raven says?
How did Poe's wife die?
Poe's wife was also his...
What was the name of Poe's wife?