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C1 unit 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what can u tackle ?
a problem, difficuty
They were excited that they had reached the city at last.
They were excited to have reached the city at last.
I was lucky that I had attended this concert.
I was lucky to have attended this concert.
Change with Perfect INF He was very proud that he had helped his elder brother.
He was very proud to have helped his elder brother.
sorry waiting keep you waiting I
I am sorry to have kept you waiting.
I am glad ……………….. a good job.
to have found
We hope ………(finish) the job by next Sunday.
to have finished
It was no good trying to persuade him - he ..............(make) up his mind a long time ago.
had made
They ________ (live) in New York for 3 years before they _________(move) to Seattle three months ago.
had lived - moved
When we finally stopped him, the squirrel ____________ (already eat) five cookies.
had already eaten
By the time I'm 40, I .......................(earn) enough money to retire.
will have earned
The grass is extremely dry, it .................(not rain) for weeks.
hasn't rained
I _________________ (know) my friend Helen for 6 years.
have known
I ________________(prepare) the meal all morning. I hope you will like it!
have been preparing
Profits__________(increase) in the company ever since the year 2007, which is a great achievement. Hopefully it will continue!
have been increasing
I ___________ (wait) for 1 hour for my friend to arrive, and he is still not here yet!
have been waiting
FP, simpe or cont. We can meet at 7pm if you like. I ___________(finish) work by then.
will have finished
FP, simple or cont. : I don't think I will come out for drinks tonight. I __________(work) all day so I will probably be too tired.
will have been working
Future perfect simple or cont. :Remind me to call John tomorrow, because I __________(forget).
will have forgotten
explain : entail
explain : tackle the problem