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The Human Body

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The skin covering the head (excluding the face)
The human body's biggest organ
Name 4 parts of your LEG or FOOT
ankle, calf, knee, heel, muscle, shin, nail, skin, toe, thigh
Name 4 parts of your ARM or HAND
blood, elbow, muscle, nail, skin, thumb, wrist
Name 6 body parts you have TWO of (except legs, arms, eyes, ears)
ankle, calf, cheek, elbow, eyebrow, eyelid, heel, hip, kidney, lip, lung, shin, shoulder, thigh, thumb, wrist, knee
Name 3 body parts that are BONES
ribs, spine, skull, shin
Name 5 parts of your FACE (excluding eyes, nose, ears, mouth)
cheek, chin, eyebrow, eyelid, eyelashes, forehead, jaw, lips, skin
Name 4 organs that are INSIDE YOUR BODY
lungs, brain, heart, intestine, kidney, stomach, throat