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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many Hakfos are there on Simchas Torah?
7 Hakfos
What do we celebrate on Simchas Torah?
That we have once again completed the Torah
What do we daven for on Shemini Atzeres?
We daven for rain
What is done in shul on Hoshana Rabah?
We hit Aravos on the floor
How many different ways do we shake the lulav and etrog?
6 different ways
Are women are obligated to eat in the sukkah?
If it rains the first night of Sucous do you have to wait till it stops raining to eat?
What is the maxium amount of walls a sukkah can have?
4 walls
What is the minimum amount of walls a sukkah can have?
2 1/2
What mitzvah can be performed right after Yom Kippur is over?
Building the Sukkah
When Yom Kippur is over we hear the ?
The Shofar
The last tefilah of Yom Kippur is called?
The opening tefilah for Yom Kippur is called?
Kol Nedri
We have a tradition to wear what color on Yom Kippur?
How long do we fast for on Yom Kippur?
25 hours
What 2 items can be used for Kapros?
Chicken or money
What is the tefilah called when we go to a body of water and daven?
What minor fast comes after Rosh Hashanah?
Tzom Gedalye
How many times do we hear the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah?
100 times
We dip what 2 foods in honey?
Challah and apple