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Comparatives and vocabulary

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Hogy van a fedélzet angolul?
It's called DECK.
What does it mean? TO PREPARE
What can you see in this picture?
Erzsébet square.
Pigs are _______________ snakes. (sokkal, fat)
Pigs are a lot/ much fatter than snakes.
Elephants are _______________________ (sokkal nagyobb) flies.
Elephants are a lot/much bigger than flies.
My room is ______________ my sister's. (clean and tidy)
My room is cleaner and tidier than my sister's.
Eating haribo is _____________ eating a lot of vegetables. (bad)
Eating haribo is worse than eating a lot of vegetables.
DEG is _____________ any other good high schools in Budapest. (small)
DEG is smaller than any other good high schools in Budapest.
Kate is _______________ her classmate. (friendly)
Kate is friendlier than her classmate.
It's ______________ to ride a bike than to walk. (good)
It's better to ride a bike than to walk.
When you are tired you can't study _____________ . (far)
When you are tired you can't study further.
We have ____________ pigeons in Sütő street when it rains. (sokkal több)
We have a lot/much more pigeons in Sütő street when it rains.
I think Scotland is _____________________ Albania. (beautiful)
I think Scotland is more beautiful than Albania.
Dolphins are _________________ starfish. (intelligent)
Dolphins are more intelligent than starfish.
What can you see?
It's a path.
What's this?
A bridge.