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Middle school Earth And Space Science

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_____ _____ can occur only during a full moon.
Lunar eclipses
When the moon is fully covered, the eclipse is _____.
When the moon is partially covered, the eclipse is ______.
A ______ ______ occurs when Earth’s shadow covers the moon.
lunar eclipse
Which phases occur when the moon forms a right angle with Earth and the sun.
First and third-quarter moons
The _____ and _____ _____ appear half-lit from Earth but on opposite sides.
first and third-quarter moons
Which phase occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the sun?
The full moon
The _____ _____ appears completely lit from Earth.
full moon
Which phase occurs when the moon is on the same side of the Earth as the sun?
The new moon
The _____ _____ appears completely dark from Earth.
new moon
There are six major moon phases, which repeat every 29.5 days on average. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE. There are four major moon phases, which repeat every 29.5 days on average.
A _____ _____ is the shape of the moon’s sunlit portion as seen from Earth.
moon phase
The moon rotates once on its axis and revolves once around Earth about every ______.
27 days
The moon is Earth’s only ______ ______.
natural satellite
The _____ receive the least amount of direct sunlight, so they tend to be cold.
The _____ receives the greatest amount of direct sunlight, so it tends to be warm.
The Northern and Southern Hemispheres always have opposite seasons. TRUE or FALSE
Where there are fewer direct sun rays, what happens in that place?
It's winter in that place.
When the Northern or Southern Hemisphere points away from the sun, it’s summer in that hemisphere. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE. When the Northern or Southern Hemisphere points away from the sun, it’s winter in that hemisphere.
Where there are more direct sun rays, what happens in that place?
It is summer in that place
When the Northern or Southern Hemisphere points toward the sun, it’s winter in that hemisphere. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE. When the Northern or Southern Hemisphere points toward the sun, it’s summer in that hemisphere.
What causes the seasons?
Earth’s axis is tilted. As a result, as Earth orbits the sun, different parts of Earth point toward or away from the sun.
What is another name for the "inner planets"?
Terrestrial planets
The _____ _____ is a doughnut-shaped ring of icy objects around the Sun, extending just beyond the orbit of Neptune from about 30 to 55 AU.
Kuiper Belt
Give some characteristics about Neptune.
- Average temp: -214oC - Windiest planet - "Ice giant"
Give some characteristics about Uranus.
- "The sideways plant" - Smaller rings than Saturn
Give some characteristics about Saturn.
- Gas giant - Saturn's ring made out of rocks and ice
Give some characteristics about Jupiter.
- Could fit about 1,300 ?s inside of it - "Gas Giant" - Atmosphere: hydrogen, helium - 50+ moons
The outer planets have thin atmospheres, solid surfaces, no rings and moons. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE. The outer planets have thick atmospheres, no solid surfaces, and many rings and moons.
What are the four planets farthest to the sun and what are they called?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune — are called the outer planets.
Give some characteristics about Mars.
- The thin atmosphere: CO2 - Has 2 moons
Give some characteristics about Venus
- The closest plant to Earth and about the same size as Earth - No moon - The hottest planet - Atmosphere: CO2 and H2SO4 - Extensive lava flows
What is the oort cloud?
a spherical layer at the edge of the solar system filled with comets; the collection of icy debris
Both comets and asteroids are much bigger than planets. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE. Both comets and asteroids are much smaller than planets.
_____ are dusty, icy bodies that orbit the sun beyond Neptune.
What are the asteroids made up of?
The asteroids made up of Nickel and Iron
What are the asteroids?
Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun, most of them aren't round, and most of them are located in the central asteroid belt
What is the asteroid belt?
a ring-shaped region containing many rocky bodies called asteroids
The inner and outer planets are separated by the _____ _____
asteroid belt
What is the Nebula?
A nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space.
Mercury is the smallest planet and no moon. TRUE or FALSE
The inner planets have thick atmospheres, gas surfaces, few or many moons, and have rings. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE. These planets have thin atmospheres, solid surfaces, few or no moons, and no rings.
What are the four planets closest to the sun and what are they called?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars — are called the inner planets.
What does the solar system consist of?
It consists of the sun, eight planets and their moons, an asteroid belt, and other celestial bodies such as comets.
Our solar system formed from a ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ about 4.6 billion years ago.
huge cloud of gas and dust
The _____ _____ is slowly moving towards the Milky Way and will collide with our galaxy in about 4.5 billion years.
Andromeda Galaxy
The nearest large galaxy to the Milky Way is called the _____ _____.
Andromeda Galaxy
We live in a galaxy called the _____ _____.
Milky Way
A _____ is a collection of billions of stars held together by gravity.
_______ gravity keeps Earth and the other planets in orbit around it, holding the solar system together.
The sun
The _____ is the most massive body in our solar system.
The greater the masses and the shorter the distance, the weaker the force of gravity. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE. The greater the masses and the shorter the distance, the stronger the force of gravity.
What does the force of gravity between two objects depend on?
the masses of the objects and the distance between them.
______ is a force that pulls objects with mass towards each other.
What kind of model does the sun is at the center of the universe?
heliocentric model
The heliocentric model has been replaced by the geocentric model. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE. The heliocentric model replaced the geocentric model.
In the geocentric model, Earth is at the center of the universe. TRUE or FALSE
Early astronomers developed the _____ _____ based on the apparent motion of the sun and stars.
geocentric model
What kind of motion does the sun seems to rise and set each day due to Earth's rotation.?
apparent motion
The _____ _____is how objects appear to move.
apparent motion 
What kind of motion does the earth rotate on its axis?
actual motion
The _____ _____ is how objects actually move.
actual motion