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Adjectives for food

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How you like and you have to eat cereal, moist, crunchy, wet, sweet? How?
Moist - A little wet.
What stages do you like your meat? Why? Can you eat it in any stage or you have to eat it in a specific stage?
what is the blandest (Bland) plate you have ever eaten in a restaurant?
Bland - Boring, not interesting.
Do you like greasy food? if not, why?
Greasy - Containing or covered with fat or oil.
What is the most scrumptious food you have ever eaten?
What is the tastiest (Tasty) food you have eaten? Can you eat for the rest of your life?
Do you have to eat sugary or salty food? why? If not, why not?
Can you eat piping hot food?
Can you eat a bitter cheese?
(Bitter - Having a strong, often unpleasant taste e.g. coffee, dark chocolate, cheese)
Does always the coffee have to be bitter?
(Bitter - Having a strong, often unpleasant taste e.g. coffee, dark chocolate, cheese)
Who are better cooks, men or women? Why?
What is the sweetest (sweet) thing you’ve ever eaten?