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Metric Capacity

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The best estimate of the capacity of a bathtub would be 115 ml or 115 L
115 L
The best estimate of the capacity of a bottle cap would be 3ml or 3 L?
3 mL
A coffee cup holds 15 L or 150 ml
150 mL
A juice box holds 250 ml or 250 L
250 ml
A kitchen sink would hold 14 ml or 14 L
14 L
The better estimate for a spoon would be 15 ml or 1 L
15 ml
A Glass of milk would be 250 ml or 2 liters
250 ml
Miss Marge has a large fish tank in her office. Does her fish tank hold 100 liters or 100 mL of water?
100 L
Kaylee bought juice for her friends to drink at her birthday party. Did she probably buy 5 L of juice or 5 mL?
5 L
Chris bought a cup of hot chocolate. Does his cup probably hold 400 liters or 400 milliliters of hot chocolate?
400 ml
A baker adds half of a teaspoon of vanilla to her cake recipe. Did she use 2.5 L or 2.5 mL of vanilla?
2.5 ml
Mr. Franklin filled a bucket with water to clean his floor. Does his bucket probably hold 9 liters or 9 milliliters of water?
9 Liters