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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He _____ (not take) us to school tomorrow. His car has just broken.
He is not going to take us to school tomorrow. His car has just broken.
When _____ we _____ (finish) our project?
When are we going to finish our project?
I'm sure they _____ (understand) your problem.
I'm sure they will understand your problem.
There aren't any clouds in the sky. It _____ (be) sunny today.
There aren't any clouds in the sky. It will be sunny today.
Wait!!! I _____ (help) you.
Wait!!! I will help you.
I'm thirsty. I _____ (drink) some water.
I'm thirsty. I will drink some water.
____ you _____ (eat) that pizza?
Will you eat that pizza?
Angela ______ (spend) a month in Colombia.
Angela is going to spend a month in Colombia.
I _____ (ask) my teacher for more time to study. Three weeks will not be enough.
I'm going to ask my teacher for more time to study. Three weeks will not be enough.
What _____ you _____ (do) when you get to your house?
What are you going to do when you get to your house?
John is sick since yesterday. He _____ (not eat) with us tonight.
John is sick since yesterday. He is not going to eat with us tonight.
____ you ____ (go) to the city in this bus?
Are you going to city in this bus?
I think they _____ (not win) this match.
I think they won't win this match.
The president ______ (be) re-elected at the next election.
The president won't be re-elected at the next election.
This street is very dangerous. I _____ (call) a taxi for you.
This street is very dangerous. I will call a taxi for you.
It's raining a lot. I _____ (take) my umbrella.
It's raining a lot. I will take my umbrella.
I _______ (meet) Peter later at night.
I'm going to meet Peter later at night.
I ______ (take) my son to the dentist.
I'm going to take my son to the dentist.
We _______ (not have) dinner tomorrow. I have an important meeting.
We are not going to have dinner tomorrow. I have an important meeting.
My brother ______ (not be) happy with this.
My brother won't be happy with this.
You are a good guitar player. You ____ (earn) a lot of money.
You are a good guitar player. You will earn a lot of money.
She is very clever. She _____ (pass) the test.
She is very clever. She will pass the test.
[The phone rings] I ____ (take) the call.
[The phone rings] I will take the call.
This room is too cold. I _____ (turn) up the heater.
This room is too cold. I will turn up the heater.
I _______ (go) to New York next year with my family.
I'm going to go to New York with my family.