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2nd year - GRAMMAR TEST

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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____ he ____ (complete) the test activities?
Has he completed the test activities?
She ___ ___ (not call) me tonight.
She hasn't called me tonight.
I ___ ___ (not finish) my homework for this week.
I haven't finished my homework for this week.
I ___ ___ (study) a lot for this exam.
I have studied a lot for this exam.
____ I ____ ____ (disappoint) you before?
Have I ever disappointed you before?
____ she ____ (do) her homework?
Has she done her homework?
They ___ ___ (not run) in the city's marathon yet.
They haven't run in the city's marathon yet.
My Dad ___ ___ (not pay) my phone bill this month.
My dad hasn't paid my phone bill this month.
Mark ___ ___ (not see) my wallet yet.
Mark hasn't seen my wallet yet.
I ___ ___ (not wash) my hands since I came back to my house!
I haven't washed my hands since I came back to my house!
I ___ ___ (not listen) to what you said this morning, sorry!
I haven't listened to what you said this morning, sorry!
I ___ ___ (not play) a guitar in my entire life.
I haven't played a guitar in my entire life.
_____ she _____ ______ (play) baseball?
Has she ever played baseball?
_____ you _____ ______ (watch) this movie?
Have you ever watched this movie?
_____ you _____ _____ (take) a photo using an old camera?
Have you ever taken a photo using an old camera?
____ you _____ _____ (go) to the new amusement park?
Have you ever gone to the new amusement park?
Tim ___ ___ (go) to his friend's house.
Tim has gone to his friend's house.
Rose ___ ___ (eat) two apples today.
Rose has eaten two apples today.
She ___ ___ (invite) many friends to her party.
She has invited many friends to her party.
My dad ___ ___ (clean) the house.
My dad has cleaned the house.
Miles ___ ___ (drive) my car many times this week.
Miles has driven my car many times this week.
Jim ___ ___ (break) four bones in his life.
Jim has broken four bones in his life.
Ann ___ ___ (cut) her hair.
Ann has cut her hair.
They ___ ___ (read) many books.
They have read many books.
They ___ ___ (swim) in the lake.
They have swum in the lake.