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Ben and Jenny Go to School

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do Benny and Jenny get to school?
They use a map.
Who takes the toy giraffe to school?
Benny and Jenny
Who sees the toy giraffe on the table?
What did Jake forget at home?
his toy giraffe
How does Jake go to school?
He walks to school with his dad.
Who gave the toy giraffe to Jake?
his grandma
What is Jake's lucky toy?
a giraffe
Why does Jake take his guitar to school?
He's playing in a concert.
Which instrument does Jake play?
the guitar
Jake's house is above a_____________.
Where do Benny, Jenny, Jake and his dad live?
They live in an apartment in the city.
Who are Benny and Jenny?
They are cats.