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Auxiliary verbs review 1B

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I won't be able to be there (say really? that's a shame)
Won't you? That's a shame!
She left without saying goodbye (say really?)
Did she? That's so rude
I didn't like the food (you disagree)
Well... I did
I'm not going to accept the invitation (say you are going to accept it instead)
Well... I am
I can't concentrate (me neither)
Neither can I
I'll try again (me too)
So will I
I didn't like the food (me neither)
Neither did I
I'm not going to accept the invitation (me neither)
Neither am I
Tom has already finished (me too)
So have I
If you're not too busy, could you give me a hand with this? (say you are busy)
Well, I am rather busy, actually. Can't you ask somebody else?
You think Mark is vegetarian so he doesn't eat meat. You ask a friend to confirm whether this is true
Mark doesn't eat meat, does he?
You think your friend likes chocolate but you want to confirm it's true (?)
You like chocolate, don't you?
You said you would phone me! (say you phoned her)
I did phone you! But you didn't answer.
She doesn't like cheese, does she? (+)
She does like cheese! In fact she loves it.
You don't want to come to the party because you can't dance? (add emphasis and say you can)
But I can dance! Just look!
You haven't tidied your room! (Adding emphasis by stressing the auxiliary: say you did)
I have tidied it! I did it this morning.
Why aren't you going to the party? (Adding emphasis by stressing the auxiliary: say you are going to the party)
But I am going to the party!