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Adverbial clauses - before, after, when

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____ failing 3 times, David passed his driving test.
I'll get to it _____ I can.
_____ she almost died, she was afraid the swim there.
I dog bit me _____ I was walking home.
_____ I wear white, I spill on myself.
I like to read a book _____ I go to bed.
Made a sentence using "when." (The Johnsons took sailing lessons. The Johnsons got a sailboat.)
When the Johnsons took sailing lessons, the Johnsons got a sailboat. OR When the Johnsons got a sailboat, the Johnsons took sailing lessons.
Make a sentence using "after." (Angela got her check. Angela went to the bank.)
Angela went to the bank after she got her check.
Make a sentence using "before." (Yasu went swimming. Yasu went to work.)
Before Yasu went swimming, Yasu went to work. OR Before Yasu went to work, Yasu went swimming.
What did Gloria do first? "I went home when I finished shopping."
What did Gloria do first? "When I finished shopping, I went home."
What did Gloria do first? "I stopped by the cleaners to drop off some skirts before I went grocery shopping."
Gloria dropped off some skirts first.
What did Gloria do first? "Before my husband left for work, I had to iron his suit."
Gloria ironed the suit first.
What did Gloria do first? "I stopped by the bank to make a deposit after I returned the books."
Gloria returned the books first.
What did Gloria do first? "After I woke up, I got the kids ready for school."
Gloria woke up first.