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Medieval Church

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What was the language of the church?
The medieval church added to its wealth by collecting a tax called a...
By the year 1050, who was the largest landholder in Europe?
The church
Each Parish had its own...
Church building
Who served the parishes?
Within each diocese there were local communities called
Bishops governed areas known as
Archbishops oversaw large and important areas called...
Who was ranked below the archbishops in the church hierarchy?
Who was ranked below the Cardinals in the church hierarchy?
Who was ranked just below the Pope in the church hierarchy?
Who was the supreme head of the Roman Catholic Church?
The Pope.
A man that has taken a solemn vow to devote his life to prayer and service in a monastery is known as a...
What is a Monastery?
A community of Monks
At the start of the Middle Ages, all Christians in Western Europe belonged to which Church?
The Roman Catholic Church
In what year did christianity become the recognized religion of the Roman Empire?
How were christians initially treated by Romans?
They were persecuted.
In 313C.E. Constantine issued a decree that allowed what?
Christians to practice their religion freely.
Christian belief was so widespread that historians sometimes call the Middle Ages the...
Age of Faith.
Storms, disease, and famine were thought to be...
punishment sent from God
Religion was so much a part of daily life that people said prayers to determine how long to cook what?
What was held in the shadow of the church towers?
Markets, festivals, and fairs
Who sold produce in the square?
Who had shops in the square around the church?
What was also held in church buildings?
Town meetings, plays, and concerts
What were the three reasons church bells rang out?
To call people to worship, warn of danger, and ring the hours
Almost every village and town had a church but larger towns and cities had a...
What was the center of medieval life in western Europe?
The Church